
One-Time Consulting - Advanced

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Maximum Purchase:
1 unit


One-Time Consulting - Advanced

Need help? Send us your client or project requirements for a free evaluation and consultation.

This includes:

  • One-Time Safety Consulting based on scope of work needed (Project Help, Documentation, Training, Reports, etc.)
  • One-Time Safety Consulting concerning OSHA matters (Consulting & Preparing documentation to send OSHA, MSHA, EM 385 1-1, DOT, etc.)
  • One virtual meeting with OSHA or answering their email requirements. (Preparing response to send OSHA)
  • Assigned Dedicated Safety Consultant & Safety Team (Phone, Email, In-Person Local or Virtual)
  • We help you meet project requirements (We look at verbage, feedback, comments, rejections, etc.)
  • Consulting may include working on documentation for SOW, Safety Plans, Fall Protection Plans, MSHA, DOT, etc.
  • Consulting may include templates for SSP, AHA, JSA, FPP, MSHA, etc.
  • Answer safety related questions for one year (Email or text)
  • Q Safety PRO platform - One training per month or up to 12 topics a year. (Our Trainers help your team with setting up group training sessions)


*Terms of use and restrictions apply.

*Deliverables are based on complexity, time constraints, project requirements. (*Turn-around varies)

*Based on your deadline please consult with us for free before purchasing service.

*One concurrent request at time.

*No refunds on any payments made.

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